Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel By Nida Hussain

Novel NameKhushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel
Total Pages93
AutherNida Hussain
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Urdu Novel: Khushyon Ki Bahar
Writer: Nida Hussain
All Urdu Novels
Khushyon Ki Bahar Description:
Khushyon Ki Bahar is a Urdu Romantic Novel, Khushyon Ki Bahar is a Rude Cousin Hero based Urdu Novel, Khushyon Ki Bahar is a Social Issue based urdu novels, Khushyon Ki Bahar is a harrasment Based urdu novel, Khushyon Ki Bahar is a Women Rights based Urdu Novel, Khushyon Ki Bahar is a suspense urdu novel, Khushyon Ki Bahar is a Love Story Based Urdu Novel, Khushyon Ki Bahar is a Love Marriage based urdu novel, Khushyon Ki Bahar is a very interesting urdu novel by Nida Hussain.
Sneak Peak of Khushyon Ki Bahar by Nida Hussain.
ہاے بیوٹی آئی ایم بیسٹ۔۔ نیلی آنکھوں والے لڑکے نے روبا کی نازک سی کمر کے گرد اپنے ہاتھ کسے اور اُسے گھومانا شروع کر دیا اس کے گھومتے ہی نا صرف فلور خالی ہوتا گیا بلکہ اچانک سونگ تھیم بھی کسی نے چینج کر دی۔ شاید وہ شخص ڈانس میں اتنا ایکسپرٹ تھا کہ روبا کے ہاتھوں کی مسلسل مزاحمت کو بھی بڑی آسانی سے کُور کرتے اُسے کسی گڑیا کی طرح اپنی مرضی سے حرکت دیتا گیا۔ فلیش لائیٹس اور لوگوں کے شوروغل کے ساتھ روبا کی آنکھیں بھی کسی نامحرم کے ہاتھوں میں کھیلونہ بن جانے پر مسلسل پرستی رہیں
Hey beauty, I am the best. The blue-eyed boy wrapped his arms around Ruba delicate waist and started spinning her around, not only did the floor become empty, but suddenly someone changed the song theme. Perhaps the man was so expert in dancing that he easily overcame the constant resistance of Roba hands and made him move at will like a doll. Along with the flash lights and the commotion of people, Ruba eyes also became a toy in the hands of a non-mahram.
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Khushyon Ki Bahar By Nida Hussain

Harassment Innocent Heroine Romantic Novel Rude Hero Short Stories Suspense urdu novel Women Rights

FAQ - Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel By Nida Hussain

How many pages are in Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel?

Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel contains 93 pages.

Who is the author of Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel?

Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel is written by Nida Hussain.

When was Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel published?

Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel was published / uploaded at Urdu Novel Collection on January 14, 2023.

Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel available for free online reading?

Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel is available for free online reading at Urdu Novel Collection.

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Yes, you can download Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel in PDF format for offline reading from Urdu Novel Collection Android Application.

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Khushyon Ki Bahar Complete Urdu Novel has a user rating of 4.3 out of 5, based on reviews.

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