Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel By Yaman Eva

Novel NameQuid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel
Total Pages1035
AutherYaman Eva
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حویلی چھوڑ کر گئی تھی کاش وہ واپس لینے ہی نا آتا نا اس سے محبت کا اظہار کرتا نا اپنی محبت میں مبتلا کرتا۔۔ اس کا وہ نرم مہربان لمس اس میں اب بھی جاگتا ہوا سا محسوس ہوتا تھا۔۔ وہ اس ہاتھ کی ہتھیلی تکتی جاتی تھی جہاں وہ انگارہ لب رکھ کر ہنسا تھا۔۔ وہ تھک کر رونے لگی، کوئی اسے یقین کیوں نہیں دلا رہا کہ وہ زندہ ہے۔۔ سب کیوں مان گئے۔۔
دور منزل ہے راہ گزر تنہا۔۔
راستہ ختم ہی نہیں ہوتا۔۔
ریزہ ریزہ ہیں خواب آنکھوں میں۔۔۔۔
کیسے کہہ دوں کہ غم نہیں ہوتا
کوئی شکوہ نہیں مگر مولا۔۔
کیا کروں درد کم نہیں ہوتا۔۔
She had left the mansion, wishing he would never come back to take her back, express his love for her, or make her fall in love with him. His soft, kind touch still felt like it was awake in her. She kept looking at the palm of that hand where he had smiled with his lips on the embers. She started crying out of exhaustion, why was no one convincing her that she was alive? Why did everyone agree?

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FAQ - Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel By Yaman Eva

How many pages are in Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel?

Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel contains 1035 pages.

Who is the author of Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel?

Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel is written by Yaman Eva.

When was Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel published?

Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel was published / uploaded at Urdu Novel Collection on November 26, 2024.

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Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel is available for free online reading at Urdu Novel Collection.

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Yes, you can download Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel in PDF format for offline reading from Urdu Novel Collection Android Application.

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Quid E Ishq Complete Urdu Novel has a user rating of 4.7 out of 5, based on reviews.

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