Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel By Aan Fatima

Novel NameTere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel
Total Pages1035
AutherAan Fatima
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Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Urdu Novel by Aan Fatima.
Urdu Novel: Tere Saaye Ki Amaan
Writer: Aan Fatima
Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Description:
Tere Saaye Ki Amaan is a Romantic urdu Novel, Tere Saaye Ki Amaan is a Family and Rude Hero Cousin based Urdu Novel, Tere Saaye Ki Amaan is a Crime and Action urdu novel, Tere Saaye Ki Amaan is also a Army Based urdu novel, Revenge and Suspense Urdu Novel by Aan Fatima.
Sneak Peak of Tere Saaye Ki Amaan by Aan Fatima.
کچھ نہیں امی کیا بننا ہے وہی ہوا ہے جس کی امید تھی۔روز ایک نئی امید کے تحت صبح صبح نوکری کی تلاش میں نکلتی ہوں لیکن بری طرح منہ کی کھاتی ہوں۔ناجانے اللہ پاک نے ہمیں ہی کیوں ان آزمائشوں کیلیے چنا ہے۔
وہ شکست ذدہ لہجے میں گویا ہوئی اور گلاس ساتھ رکھی میز پہ رکھا تھا۔نادیہ بیگم نے شکایتی انداز میں اس کی جانب دیکھا جسے وہ بارہا بار سمجھا چکی تھی کہ ایسی باتیں مت کیا کریں لیکن ہر بار وہ ایسی باتیں کرتے ان کے ساتھ ساتھ اس پاک زات کو بھی ناراض کرتی تھی۔
No matter what happens to my mother, what I had hoped for has happened. Every day, under a new hope, I go out in the morning in search of a job, but I suffer badly. I do not know why God has chosen us for these trials.
Nadia Begum looked at him in a complaining manner which she had repeatedly told him not to say such things but every time he said such things with her. She used to annoy this person too.
You know my family never pressured me to wear abaya or niqab. I do it on my own. I like to keep myself covered. I do not even feel the need for these compromises, or to put it another way, I am not interested, I just spend my time giving thanks for what I get.
She spoke softly in a mesmerizing manner and at the end of the talk he looked with supportive eyes at all the boys and girls who were attracted to her.
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Tere Saaye Ki Amaan By Aan Fatima

Action Adventure Army Based Novel Crime Novel Innocent Heroine Long Novel Love Story Romantic Novel Rude Hero Social Issues Suspense urdu novel

FAQ - Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel By Aan Fatima

How many pages are in Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel?

Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel contains 1035 pages.

Who is the author of Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel?

Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel is written by Aan Fatima.

When was Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel published?

Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel was published / uploaded at Urdu Novel Collection on April 21, 2022.

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Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel is available for free online reading at Urdu Novel Collection.

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Yes, you can download Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel in PDF format for offline reading from Urdu Novel Collection Android Application.

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Tere Saaye Ki Amaan Complete Urdu Novel has a user rating of 4.8 out of 5, based on reviews.

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