Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel By Isha Gill

Novel NameDhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel
Total Pages334
AutherIsha Gill
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Sneak Peak and Story Line of Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar by Isha Gill

کسی دن میں تمایری ان کتابوں کو آگ لگا دوںگا۔۔سمجھی تم۔۔
کوئی چپکے سے اس کے کان میں بولا۔
سماہر نے بےچین ہو کر پیچھے دیکھا مگر وہاں کوئی نہ تھا۔۔
جب تم اس طرح رونی صورت بنا کر بیٹھی ہو ناں تو میرا دل کرتا ہے کہ تمہیں اس پول میں پھینک دوں۔۔
وہ نہیں تھا مگر اسکی آواز ہر جگہ گھونجتی تھی۔
ہر اس جگہ جہاں وہ ہوتی۔۔
اب چونکے میرے پاس پھول تو ہے نہیں تو اس لیے تمہیں اس پتے کو ہی قبول کرنا پڑے گا۔۔
اسکی معصومیت بھری آواز پھر سے ابھری۔۔
سماہر نے ہاتھ میں پکڑی بُک میں موجود پتے کو انگلیوں کو پوروں سے چھوتے ہوئے آنکھوں میں آئے آنسو واپس دھکیلے۔۔
Someday I will set these books on fire. You understand.
Someone whispered in his ear.
Samahar looked back anxiously but there was no one there.
When you are sitting with a tearful face like this, my heart wants to throw you in this pool.
He was not there, but his voice echoed everywhere.
Everywhere he was.
Now, because I do not have flowers, you will have to accept these leaves.
His innocent voice emerged again.
Samahar touched the leaf in the book with his fingers and pushed back the tears in his eyes.

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FAQ - Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel By Isha Gill

How many pages are in Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel?

Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel contains 334 pages.

Who is the author of Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel?

Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel is written by Isha Gill.

When was Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel published?

Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel was published / uploaded at Urdu Novel Collection on November 6, 2024.

Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel available for free online reading?

Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel is available for free online reading at Urdu Novel Collection.

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Yes, you can download Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel in PDF format for offline reading from Urdu Novel Collection Android Application.

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Dhal Chuki Shab E Hijar Complete Urdu Novel has a user rating of 4.7 out of 5, based on reviews.

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