Urdu Novel: Ek Teri Chahat Writer: Fatima Ahmad All Urdu Novels Ek Teri Chahat Description:
Ek Teri Chahat is a Urdu Romantic Novel, Ek Teri Chahat is a Rude Hero Based Urdu Novel, Ek Teri Chahat is a Revenge Based Urdu Novel, Ek Teri Chahat is a Suspense Based urdu novel, Force Marriage Urdu Novel, Ek Teri Chahat Love After Marriage based Urdu Novel, Ek Teri Chahat is a Women rights based Urdu Novel, Ek Teri Chahat is a unique story, Ek Teri Chahat is a Love Story based Urdu Novel, Ek Teri Chahat is a Rude Cousin Hero based Urdu Novel, Ek Teri Chahat is a Short urdu novel, Ek Teri Chahat is a very interesting urdu novel by Fatima Ahmad. Sneak Peak of Ek Teri Chahat by Fatima Ahmad.
میری بیٹی احد کی بے وفائی پر مر رہی ہے۔ حمزہ تم ہی ہو جو اس وقت میری مرتی بیٹی کو واپس زندگی کی طرف لا سکتے ہو۔ یہ بوڑھی ماں تم سے التجاء کر رہی ہے خدار میری بیٹی کو بچا لو۔ جل تھل غمگین آنکھوں والی ادھیڑ عمر شرمین بیگم نے مقابل کھڑے نوجوان سے ارداس کی تھی۔
My daughter is dying because of Ahad infidelity. Hamza you are the only one who can bring my dying daughter back to life at this time. This old mother is pleading with you, Lord, save my daughter. Middle-aged Sherman Begum, with sad eyes, made Ardas to the young man standing in front of her.
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Fatima Ahmad have some incredible Novels book distributed in episodic form and also some of the novels are mentioned bellow. Fatima Ahmad positioned high in Urdu stories. which satisfies the motivation behind instructing the community about moral values.
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