Novel Name | Zimal Episode 6 Complete Urdu Novel |
Total Pages | 56 |
Auther | Tooba Mir |
Tooba Mir Novels List | 56 |
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Zimal Episode 6 Urdu Novel by Tooba Mir.
Zimal Episode 6 is a Romantic Urdu Novel, Zimal Episode 6 is also an gangster Based Urdu Novel, Zimal Episode 6 Islamic Based Urdu Novel, Social Issues, Suspense urdu novel, Zimal Episode 6 is a Women Education Based Urdu Novel, Zimal Episode 6 is a Women Rights Based Urdu Novel, Zimal Episode 6 is very interesting love story Urdu Novel by Tooba Mir.
Sneak Peak of Zimal Episode 6 by Tooba Mir.
زیمل عربی زبان کا لفظ ہے۔جس کے معنی ہیں سفر کے لیے چادر، لباس یا پھر عبایا۔
اور یہ کہانی خیالات پر مبنی ایک زیمل نامی لڑکی کی کہانی ہے جو اپنے رب پر کامل ترین ایمان رکھتی ہے ۔
ایمان کی طاقت اُس کی زندگی ہے۔۔۔۔اُس کا واحد آسرا اُس کا رب ہے۔۔
اور حیا سے بھرپور اُس کا دامن اُس کی پاکیزگی کی گواہی دیتا ہے۔
اُسی لڑکی کے نام پر اس ناول کو میں نے زیمل کا نام دیا ہے۔۔
اُمید ہے ناول کے آغازِ سفر سے لے کر اختتام سفر تک آپ کو بہت کچھ سیکھنے کو ملے گا۔ کیوں کہ ہر لڑکی میں زیمل۔کا کردار ہونا لازم ہے۔۔۔
کیوں کہ کردار کو خوبصورت لباس کی نمود و نمائش سے خوبصورت نہیں بنایا جا سکتا۔۔۔کردار کی مضبوطی۔۔حیا و باوقاری کے ہی مرہونِ منت ہوتی ہے۔۔
Zamil is an Arabic word that means a cloak, garment or abaya for travel.
And this story is the story of a girl named Zemal who has perfect faith in her Lord.
The power of faith is his life. His only refuge is his Lord.
And her feet full of modesty testify to her purity.
I have named this novel Zemal after that girl.
Hopefully you will learn a lot from the beginning of the novel to the end of the journey. Because every girl should have the character of Zemel.
Because the character cannot be made beautiful by the appearance of beautiful clothes.
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Tooba Mir furthermore have some incredible books distributed in episodic form and also some of them are mentioned bellow. Tooba Mir positioned high in Urdu stories. which satisfies the motivation behind instructing the community about moral values.
Tooba Mir novels list is listed bellow.
Read Online Zimal Episode 6 Complete Urdu Novel

Family Based Novel Gangster Based Novel Islamic Novel Romantic Novel Social Issues Suspense urdu novel Women Rights