Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel By Tooba Mir

Novel NameIshq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel
Total Pages125
AutherTooba Mir
Tooba Mir Novels List47
List OF Best Urdu Novels

Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Urdu Novel by Tooba Mir.
Urdu Novel: Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar
Writer: Tooba Mir
Novel Description:
Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar is a versatile and captivating Urdu novel that covers a wide range of themes and making it a must-read for fans and readers of her Urdu literature. It is a romantic Urdu novel that beautifully portrays love and relationships. This Urdu Novel is a family-based Urdu novel but also highlights the values and dynamics within families. The novel also touches upon social issues, suspense, and women’s rights, presenting an engaging and thought-provoking narrative. As an Islamic novel, it imparts moral and spiritual teachings, making it an enriching read. With its blend of love, social awareness, and Islamic teachings, Ishq Ikhtatam-e-Safar is a remarkable contribution to Urdu literature and a compelling story for readers who appreciate meaningful storytelling.

Sneak Peak of Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Best Urdu Novel

داستانِ عشق کی جب شروعات ہوتی ہے۔
اختتامِ سفر پر عشق کی انتہا ہوتی ہے۔
سنا ہے عشق کہ سات مرتبے ہوتے ہیں۔
پھر کہی جا کر عاشق و محبوب ایک ہوتے ہیں۔
مزہ تو یہ ہے کہ عشق پٹخے عاشق کو خالق کے در پر
پھر دیکھے عاشق کی التجا کیسے قبول ہوتی ہے۔
When the story of love begins.
Love ends at the end of the journey.
And I have heard that love has seven stages.
Then it can be said that the lover and the beloved are one and the fun is that love hits the lover at the door of the Creator
And see how the lover request is accepted.
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Writer have some incredible books distributed in episodic form and also some of them are mentioned bellow. She positioned high in Urdu stories. which satisfies the motivation behind instructing the community about moral values.
Tooba Mir novels listed bellow.

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Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Best Urdu Novel

Best Urdu Novel Islamic Books Islamic Novel Islamic Teaching Novels Long Novel Love Marriage Love Story Love Story Based Novel Revenge Romantic Women Education Women Rights

FAQ - Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel By Tooba Mir

How many pages are in Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel?

Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel contains 125 pages.

Who is the author of Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel?

Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel is written by Tooba Mir.

When was Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel published?

Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel was published / uploaded at Urdu Novel Collection on November 10, 2024.

Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel available for free online reading?

Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel is available for free online reading at Urdu Novel Collection.

Can I download Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel for offline reading?

Yes, you can download Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel in PDF format for offline reading from Urdu Novel Collection Android Application.

How is the user rating for Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel?

Ishq Ikhtatam e Safar Complete Urdu Novel has a user rating of 4.5 out of 5, based on reviews.

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