Rabail Novel By Shahnila Arman

Rabail Complete Urdu Novel by Shahnila Arman.

Urdu Novel: Rabail

Writer: Shahnila Arman


Rabail is a story of a girl, Who got married when she was only 13 year old with an elder person (Wadera). That was his 3rd marrege, Her mother in law and husband insult and torture her, Wadaira marry her only for his waris. In the middle Rabail was hanged by court and her daughter Tabinda get revenge for her mother from his father.
Shahnila Arman is the writer of the book Rabail Pdf. Shahnila Arman is an established novelist and writing regularly.
یہ کہانی ہے رابیل کی۔
اُس رابیل کی جو مجبور ہے۔جسے تیرا سال کی عمر میں وڈیرے کی تیسری بیوی بننا پڑتا ہے۔یہ کہانی ہے اذیت کی۔ یہ کہانی ہے اُس عورت کی جس پر ظلم کی انتہا ہو جاتی ہے اور اسے اپنے حق کے لیے سولی پر لٹکنا پڑ جاتا ہے۔
یہ کہانی ہے عورت کی مجبوریوں کی۔
یہ کہانی ہے اُس مجبور ماں کی جسے اپنی بیٹی کو ظالم باپ سے بچانے کے لیے غیروں کے ہوالے کرنا پڑتا ہے۔
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Shahnila Arman furthermore write some incredible books distributed in the episodic form and also some of them are mentioned bellow. Shahnila Arman also positioned high in her Urdu stories. which satisfies the motivation behind instructing the community about moral values. Hopefully you like the book Rabail Pdf and share it.

Read Online Rabail Complete Urdu Novel

Rabail is a story of a girl, Who got married when she was only 13 year old with an elder person (Wadera). That was his 3rd marrege, Her mother in law and husband insult and torture her, Wadaira marry her only for his waris. In the middle Rabail was hanged by court and her daughter Tabinda get revenge for her mother from his father.

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